Here's a list of tools & products that we recommend you Don't buy
This page is not static and will constantly evolve, depending on the retail trading landscape (which can change quite often, and quite dramatically). Nothing on this list should be dismissed as “completely useless”, as it really depends on the availability of alternative or complimentary products. For example, a tool that is practically useless on its own may eventually become useful when paired with a new tool/product that becomes available.Another example would be a product that costs too much for the benefit it provides. If the price of this product is lowered, it may be worth the purchase.
Don't Buy List :
Don’t Buy 100% Automated Robots/ Expert Advisors
Market prices can never be consistently predicted by a fixed, hard-coded formula You completely surrender control of your account to a chunk of computer code (which is a really bad idea) A truly profitable trading robot will not be sold for $10 or etc. Banks and other financial institutions would gladly pay hundreds of millions for it.This type of product essentially sells you the prospect of a free lunch. The only person who will be making money from this arrangement is the product seller & only seller.
Recommended Alternative:
Learn to trade with manually software not robot. (manually, or semi-manually) for yourself. This is the only type of product that we are completely recomend. If you’re lucky, you may make some money in the short term (due to pure luck), but we never seen a 100% automatic trading robot that works longer than 2 or 3 months in LIVE trading. Each time, the losses eventually overwhelm the prior profits made.
Don’t Buy Newbie-Traps
Any product that makes huge promises (usually accompanied with earnings screenshots littered with large red numbers, words and arrows) but is vague about the actual offer is a newbie-trap. These products are generally garbage and will never get you anywhere close to the advertised results. When you try to close the window, they often present you with a “discount” to you. SO “big secret” is only ....... we discovered a “big secret” tecnical software that makes only genuien money Really?
Recommended Alternative:
Don’t Buy any software that claims 100% no-loss trades
Any product vendor that truly believes such a claim is either incredibly naive, or is blatantly lying. A true 100% no-loss trading method would make anybody a multimillionaire in a couple of weeks. so it"s all wrong talks.......
Recommended Alternative:
Learn how to manage your trading risks because you will certainly be taking losses. The idea is to make more money than you lose.
Characteristics of Internet Marketers:(Aware of this)
They email you only when they’re recommending a product. Within a short period of time, they send out a flurry of “educational” videos and reports, just before promoting their product. Afterwards, they barely contact you again, other than to recommend someone else’s product. They do not showcase their live trades on an on-going basis. They jump across asset classes. One moment they’re promoting spot trading, then it’s trading binary, then it’s Bitcoin, and so on. They don’t stick to one thing. Basically, their method of operation is to launch and promote as many products as possible. This is typically done under multiple author names (although it’s all done by the same few marketers). The best way to identify these people is to notice if they constantly share with you what’s going on in the markets, or their views and perspectives. Internet Marketers focus on selling their products, not educating traders.